Annelot Nijkoops

Postdoctoral fellow

Annelot Nijkoops received her M.Sc. in Food Technology from Wageningen University (The Netherlands) in 2019 with a specialization in Food Digestion and Health. She is currently finishing her Ph.D. in Food Engineering and Biotechnology from the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (UNIBZ) in Italy, with a thesis entitled “Gut-Sensor Axis: π-conjugated molecules for biomedical applications, bio-molecules (NH3) sensing and thri-chromatic sight restoration”. She focused on improving the recovery and sensing performance of carbon nanotube-based ammonia gas sensors via the addition of semiconducting polymer P3HT. Furthermore, during her PhD she joined Surrey University (UK) as a visiting researcher to work on the investigation of the use of bio-pigments in artificial retinas. Currently she is a research assistant at the Faculty of Science and Technology, of UNIBZ. Annelot’s work is focused on the design, fabrication and characterization of electronics from nature derived materials.



  • [DOI] A. Gurusekaran, M. Ahmad, M. Ciocca, M. Pompilio, A. Nijkoops, A. C. Pena, P. Lugli, and L. Petti, “Additively manufactured microstrip patch antennas in flat, curved, and embedded configurations,” Flexible and printed electronics, vol. 9, iss. 2, p. 25014, 2024.
    abstract = {Microstrip patch antennas (MPAs) are compact and easy-to-fabricate antennas, widely used in long-distance communications. MPAs are commonly fabricated using subtractive methods such as photolithographic etching of metals previously deposited using sputtering or evaporation. Despite being an established technique, subtractive manufacturing requires various process steps and generates material waste. Additive manufacturing (AM) techniques instead allow optimal use of material, besides enabling rapid prototyping. AM methods are thus especially interesting for the fabrication of electronic components such as MPAs. AM methods include both 2D and 3D techniques, which can also be combined to embed components within 3D-printed enclosures, protecting them from hazards and/or developing haptic interfaces. In this work, we exploit the combination of 2D and 3D printing AM techniques to realize three MPA configurations: flat, curved (at 45∘), and embedded. First, the MPAs were designed and simulated at 2.3 GHz with a −16.25 dB S 11 value. Then, the MPA dielectric substrate was 3D-printed using polylactic acid via fused deposition modeling, while the antenna material (conductive silver ink) was deposited using three different AM methods: screen printing, water transfer, and syringe-based injection. The fabricated MPAs were fully operational between 2.2–2.4 GHz, with the flat MPA having a higher S 11 peak value compared to the curved and embedded MPAs. Development of such AM MPAs in various configurations demonstrated in this work can enable rapid development of long-range antennas for novel applications in e.g. aerospace and Internet of Things sectors.},
    added-at = {2024-06-15T10:06:40.000+0200},
    author = {Gurusekaran, Arvind and Ahmad, Mukhtar and Ciocca, Manuela and Pompilio, Michele and Nijkoops, Annelot and Pena, Alejandro Carrasco and Lugli, Paolo and Petti, Luisa},
    biburl = {},
    doi = {10.1088/2058-8585/ad517c},
    interhash = {902f7906039c138809b16073fe49112f},
    intrahash = {ba1427a2d67513bbc3098172972570d2},
    journal = {Flexible and Printed Electronics},
    keywords = {myown},
    month = jun,
    number = 2,
    pages = 025014,
    publisher = {IOP Publishing},
    timestamp = {2024-06-15T10:06:40.000+0200},
    title = {Additively manufactured microstrip patch antennas in flat, curved, and embedded configurations},
    url = {},
    volume = 9,
    year = 2024


  • [DOI] P. Lugli, M. Petrelli, B. Shkodra, S. Vasquez, A. Nijkoops, G. Elli, A. Tagliaferri, M. Ciocca, A. Douaki, P. Ibba, C. M. A. Angeli, and L. Petti, “Solution-processable carbon nanotubes for sensing and biosensing applications,” in 2023 ieee nanotechnology materials and devices conference (nmdc), 2023, pp. 655-659.
    added-at = {2024-06-15T10:07:49.000+0200},
    author = {Lugli, P. and Petrelli, M. and Shkodra, B. and Vasquez, S. and Nijkoops, A. and Elli, G. and Tagliaferri, A. and Ciocca, M. and Douaki, A. and Ibba, P. and Angeli, M. A. Costa and Petti, L.},
    biburl = {},
    booktitle = {2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC)},
    doi = {10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343652},
    interhash = {7a95b198ec8ea65b5af654309ca3f04b},
    intrahash = {5c3c3da924259bb1147cec1029df464e},
    keywords = {myown},
    pages = {655-659},
    timestamp = {2024-06-15T10:09:08.000+0200},
    title = {Solution-Processable Carbon Nanotubes for Sensing and Biosensing Applications},
    year = 2023
  • [DOI] A. Nijkoops, M. Ciocca, P. Mariani, S. Krik, E. Avancini, J. Barichello, F. Matteocci, M. A. Costa Angeli, P. Lugli, and L. Petti, “Flexible conjugated polymer based vertical diode temperature and ammonia gas sensors for medical applications,” in 2023 ieee international flexible electronics technology conference (ifetc), 2023, pp. 1-3.
    added-at = {2024-06-15T10:02:57.000+0200},
    author = {Nijkoops, Annelot and Ciocca, Manuela and Mariani, Paolo and Krik, Soufiane and Avancini, Enrico and Barichello, Jessica and Matteocci, Fabio and Costa Angeli, Martina Aurora and Lugli, Paolo and Petti, Luisa},
    biburl = {},
    booktitle = {2023 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC)},
    doi = {10.1109/IFETC57334.2023.10254824},
    interhash = {1f4c6b19c3a20679adca0040ec1f59e8},
    intrahash = {2e012d8f86d0cba0d2a3d5ef0a3027f7},
    keywords = {Temperature measurement;Ammonia;Gastrointestinal;Diode;Flexible;P3HT},
    pages = {01-03},
    timestamp = {2024-06-15T10:02:57.000+0200},
    title = {Flexible Conjugated Polymer Based Vertical Diode Temperature and Ammonia Gas Sensors for Medical Applications},
    year = 2023
  • [DOI] A. Nijkoops, M. Ciocca, S. Krik, A. Douaki, A. Gurusekaran, S. Vasquez, M. Petrelli, M. A. C. Angeli, L. Petti, and P. Lugli, “Flexible and printed chemiresistive ammonia gas sensors based on carbon nanotube and conjugated polymers: a comparison of response and recovery performance,” Ieee sensors letters, vol. 7, iss. 6, pp. 1-4, 2023.
    added-at = {2024-06-15T10:00:15.000+0200},
    author = {Nijkoops, Annelot and Ciocca, Manuela and Krik, Soufiane and Douaki, Ali and Gurusekaran, Arvind and Vasquez, Sahira and Petrelli, Mattia and Angeli, Martina Aurora Costa and Petti, Luisa and Lugli, Paolo},
    biburl = {},
    doi = {10.1109/LSENS.2023.3274909},
    interhash = {b36a65ce6657c9452e5efa53e2a57958},
    intrahash = {62a953d2a3b99393017122baacb5fdf6},
    journal = {IEEE Sensors Letters},
    keywords = {Ammonia gas myown sensor},
    number = 6,
    pages = {1-4},
    timestamp = {2024-06-15T10:00:15.000+0200},
    title = {Flexible and Printed Chemiresistive Ammonia Gas Sensors Based on Carbon Nanotube and Conjugated Polymers: A Comparison of Response and Recovery Performance},
    volume = 7,
    year = 2023


  • [DOI] H. de Souza Oliveira, A. Nijkoops, M. Ciocca, A. Carrasco–Peña, L. Petti, G. Cantarella, and N. Münzerieder, “Flexible auxetic structure as substrates for resistive pressure sensors,” in 2022 ieee sensors, 2022, pp. 1-4.
    added-at = {2024-06-15T10:11:21.000+0200},
    author = {de Souza Oliveira, Hugo and Nijkoops, Annelot and Ciocca, Manuela and Carrasco–Peña, Alejandro and Petti, Luisa and Cantarella, Giuseppe and Münzerieder, Niko},
    biburl = {},
    booktitle = {2022 IEEE Sensors},
    doi = {10.1109/SENSORS52175.2022.9967254},
    interhash = {992b4859ad8662b53259fe26abfbd25e},
    intrahash = {12f373171928d7687714ae3dd8d6781c},
    keywords = {myown},
    pages = {01-04},
    timestamp = {2024-06-15T10:11:21.000+0200},
    title = {Flexible Auxetic Structure as Substrates for Resistive Pressure Sensors},
    year = 2022